Next Young Adult Ministry
Our years as a young adult involve some of the largest transitions of our lives. Many of us begin to push through college, search for new career choices, find our spouse, and seek out our part in God’s master plan...or any combination of those four things. Up to this point in life we have been under our parents’ spiritual guidance but now the path we choose is up to us. The Remnant is geared towards making disciples out of young adults that are trying to find their way and then taking those same disciples and helping them become leaders. Through sound doctrine and truth we teach young adults how to follow Christ while leading others to Him. Just as Mordecai believed in Esther, we believe that God has placed this generation at this moment in time for such a time as this.

Family Pastors Dee and Kim Stone have been ministering at Jesus Name Church for almost twenty years. They successfully led the Wired Ministry before taking over Young Adults. Their heart is to see transformation in the lives of young people and we are blessed to have them at JNC!